Bridging Two Books

I have never done this before, but I am going to try to bridge two books here in my weekly message: the end of The War of Art by Steven Pressfield and the beginning of my next book, 6 Steps to 7 Figures: A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth by Pat Hiban. To summarize, the crux of Pressfield’s message in The War of Art is that resistance is real. Resistance is that feeling that makes you hesitate or keeps you from doing something you know you should be doing. Something like – I should make these sales calls, but, man, I don’t want to bother anybody... And that feeling is real – and powerful. Resistance is so real that it is enough to stop some people from taking action or making progress entirely. One of the ways to overcome resistance is to acknowledge those feelings and label them for what they truly are: …worry? …fear? …anxiousness? Label those feelings and then create a plan to overcome them.


I am of the mindset that your feelings are trying to tell you something – and, when listened to properly, you can harness those feelings to propel you to produce better results or achieve success in the future. If you are, perhaps, worried about something, that likely means you haven’t planned enough or that you don’t have a strong enough plan in place. Because if you had a strong enough plan, you wouldn’t be worried. You must acknowledge resistance, label your feelings, and take action to achieve your desired outcomes.


And that’s where the next book comes in. The first of the seven steps in Hiban’s book is “Goal Planning and Affirmations.” We have talked a lot about goal planning in these weekly messages, and everyone has their own method for goal planning. Mostly importantly, you need to create specific, measurable goals that give you clear direction. Beyond that, you utilize affirmations to breed positivity and empowerment. Every part of your plan may not go your way, so you need affirmations to keep you on the track of a path forward. Goal planning and affirmations can help you set a plan that actually enables you to overcome the resistance plaguing you.


If you need a little bit more firepower to combat resistance, turn to spiritual awareness and spiritual responsibility. We are all on this Earth to make an impact; and, in fact, we have a responsibility to do so. We just have to figure out in which realm of the world we are going to make our mark – and then pour ourselves into that effort.


Acknowledge resistance – it is real. Label it. Tackle it for what it is.

Set your goals – make them clear and measurable.

Affirm yourself with positive thoughts along the way.

Acknowledge your spiritual responsibility to do great things

Schuyler Williamson, The Corporate Battlefield, The Leadership Shepherd. Schuyler's list

Written by Schuyler Williamson

REALTOR. Leader. Veteran. Business Owner. Investor.

Weekly Email List:

God Bless!

~ Schuyler Williamson


Save – Not Spend – Your Way to 7 Figures


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