Chase More Than Profit

This will be the last time I share about my reading from Living Among Lions. I loved the book, and thought it was a great reminder of being intentional about the convergence of who you want to be personally with who you want to be professionally. As I – and anyone, really – read books, I am constantly seeking to apply the lessons and models shared by the authors to my own life. Without exception, this particular book has given me a new perspective on some of the things I am currently pursuing.


What rewards are you after?

In this last section of the book, the authors challenged readers to consider the rewards they are after – as the leader of a company, the leader of a family, a leader in a community. As I read, I asked myself, what rewards am I chasing? Are those rewards going to build something I am proud of?


In my MBA program, I was taught that the goal of a business is to make a profit. So, how could one run a business seeking to reach the goal of making a profit, and yet, simultaneously pursue a different goal to fulfill the rewards of mankind? I believe the goal of mankind, set forth for us by God, is love. I begin each day reflecting on my pursuit of blending my goal of growing a profitable business with loving others. I pray this intention will always guide my efforts.


In the Bible, Jesus tells the story of meeting the Samaritan woman at the well seeking water, and He tells her that she will continue to be thirsty if she drinks that water; but if she drinks water from Jesus, she will never thirst again. I cherish this reminder – though we may come to a well to quench a thirst, there is always so much more we can accomplish or receive in this life. Our professional goals must be bigger than just making a profit. We must seek to better the lives of our fellow man to live truly fulfilling lives.


When you pursue goals bigger than profit…


…you are fueled by passion.

Remember the definition of passion is: a fuel source that never runs dry. When you are working 12-hour days, six days in a row, and you get up that seventh day just as fired up as you were on day one, passion is the fuel source driving you. Any other fuel source will run dry. Fueled by anything other than passion, you will be tired, bitter, and resentful of the business you are running.


…your talent will become better people, too.

The talent on your team will not only remain devoted to you as their individual leader because of who you are, but they themselves will actually become better people. This is a big personal goal of mine: to develop my people professionally AND personally. I want to be a catalyst, an accountability partner, a propellor for turning them into more complete, healthier, and better versions of themselves. When you seek to pursue something more than just profit, you can leave your talent better than when they first found you.


…your strategic vision will have no boundaries.

Strategically, when you are the leader pursuing more than profit, anything that deals with timelines or boundaries forced upon you from external pressures in society can just be wiped clean. There are no timelines or boundaries you have to hit when you are pursuing a vision of loving and helping others. This is something you are pursuing all the time – maybe even at the expense of profit sometimes. When you approach the world in this way, you will make better decisions that serve God and mankind.


Ask yourself: are the rewards I am chasing bigger than profit?

How am I working each day to accomplish those larger goals?

Schuyler Williamson, The Corporate Battlefield, The Leadership Shepherd. Schuyler's list

Written by Schuyler Williamson

REALTOR. Leader. Veteran. Business Owner. Investor.

Weekly Email List:

God Bless!

~ Schuyler Williamson


Be A “Pro”


Stay Humble, Eliminate Pride