Passion is the Fuel

I was once told by a mentor that leading becomes a whole lot easier when you hire the right people. In my reading about passion this week, I was reminded about the responsibility of leaders to understand every one of our team mate’s passions so that we can really get the best out of them. To me, passion is the fuel that gives someone the strength to do something they don’t believe they can do or something they have never done before. It is the fuel that keeps them going when times are difficult when faced with some adversity. When you tap into someone’s passion, and you tie that into their work, or into their effort to support others, the impossible becomes possible.

Harold Kushner once wrote, “Our souls are not hungry for fame, culture, wealth, or power. Those rewards create almost as many problems as they solve. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to make our lives matter so that the world will at least be a little bit different for our having passed through it.”

I love this quote because it describes the source of passion: it is the motivation for someone to leave a lasting impact on the world. So, as you look at the people you are responsible for leading, don’t just focus your attention on the accountability of their assigned professional tasks; don’t just consider how they are contributing toward the achievement of company goals – consider their passions and how you might help them fulfill their life passions while also harnessing them to support the achievement of your own goals.

I will leave you with this last quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Just understand – when you help other people realize their own passions, and achieve more through their lives, it is going to do so much for your own life. Even if you do it from a selfish standpoint, go help others fulfill their passions.

Schuyler Williamson- Leadership Shepherd - Corporate Battlefield - Made in the Image of God - Austin, TX

Written by Schuyler Williamson

REALTOR. Leader. Veteran. Business Owner. Investor.

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God Bless!

~ Schuyler Williamson


The Value of Listening


The Leader is the Navigator